The tooth fairy is a special magical creature that loves all things teeth! The tooth fairy flies to the homes of every child that loses a tooth and bestows money to the kids that place their fallen teeth under their pillow before they go to sleep. However, the tooth fairy especially likes teeth that have been well taken care of. Continue reading to learn some fun facts about the tooth fairy.

The Tooth Fairy Has Many Different Looks
In most Western cultures, the tooth fairy is a household name. The tooth fairy is known for being very kind and generous to children when they are first losing their teeth. However, depending on the country, the tooth fairy can look very different. For example, in the United States, most people conjure up an image of a sweet young lady with delicate wings and a scepter crowned by a tooth. However, in much of Europe and Latin America, the tooth fairy is actually a small, sneaky mouse!
The Tooth Fairy’s Generosity Has Increased Over Time
When the tooth fairy first came onto the scene, she would place quarters or dollar bills under kids’ pillows. These days, she will pay with more money or other presents. Candy is a common choice for the tooth fairy to give, but she always recommends brushing your teeth after consuming the sweets!
The Tooth Fairy Is Very Old
The myth of the tooth fairy has been around for a long time. The Vikings were said to originate the tradition of giving their teeth to the tooth fairy. Children’s teeth were said to have good luck, so they would sometimes be carried into battle. The modern tooth fairy has been around since the 1920s when Ester Watkins Arnold created a play about her.
The Tooth Fairy Collects A LOT Of Teeth
On average, the tooth fairy collects thousands of teeth every night. With each child having around twenty baby teeth to lose, there are a lot of teeth for the tooth fairy to gather. Some teeth are lost without a child noticing, while others take some extra force to remove on time. However, the tooth fairy rewards every tooth equally.
The Use Of The Teeth
There are many theories about what the tooth fairy does with the teeth that she collects. Some say that she uses the teeth to make jewelry for herself and others. Others say that she uses the teeth to build a palace of teeth. But our favorite theory is that she uses the teeth to make dentures for older folks. It sure is a mystery!
Reach Out To Get In Contact With Dental Services
As previously mentioned, the tooth fairy likes teeth that have been taken care of. Kids that do not practice good oral hygiene may experience premature tooth loss, which can leave them with gaps in their teeth. The tooth fairy does not discriminate between teeth, but it will be much more worth it to put a tooth under the pillow that came out at the natural time. For more information about dental hygiene or to get in contact with one of our dentists, feel free to reach out to Granger Pediatric Dentistry.